Wednesday, February 8, 2012

KFC Malaysia tengah siasat isu video


Sejak beberapa hari lepas, kecoh isu video melibatkan KFC tersebar kat internet. Yang paling latest ni, isu customer cina (kalau tak silap) kene pukul ngan staff KFC. Dari description kat video tu die tulis customer tu naik angin sebab die tunggu ayam sejam tapi last2 ayam dah abes. Pastu die dok maki hamun staff sampai berlaku pertengkaran. Ni bukan kali pertama isu video tentang KFC ni tersebar. Sebelum ni ade kes staff KFC pijak ayam la, perah kain kotor kat ayam la.. macam-macam.. sampai tak sanggup nak tengok video tu sumer.. rase kembang tekak. Huhu.

Berkaitan isu video gaduh ngan customer ni, luvida tak sebelah kan mane-mane pihak. Tapi sejak dah kerja ngan bidang customer services ni, dah naik paham dah perangai sesetengah customer yang kadang-kadang very demanding. Sabar je lah. Tapi sabar-sabar kite pon ade had nye jugak. Customer is always right.Betol ke tuh????

Admin KFC Malaysia ade update kat FB die ::

" Dear Facebook Friends: The KFC Malaysia team is aware of the video and they are currently investigating the issue. The staff involved have been suspended, pending further investigation. Once the investigation is complete, the team will take appropriate action to address any violation of our strict operating procedures and customer service standards. Visit the KFC Malaysia page ( to stay up to date on the issue. Thank you for your support. "

Macam-macam komen boleh bace kat FB tu.. naik pulak la nama Malaysia.. malu jugak seposen.. harap-harap kes ni cepat disiasat dan settle dengan baik lah. Semoga lepas ni staff-staff fastfood semua tau jage adab la. Nak bagi orang makan, jangan buat sambil lewa je. Tak baik tauuuu doseeee!!!


Mawardi yunus said... [Reply]

hmmm macam2 la..

LuVidA^^ said... [Reply]

huhu... kan???

ZaidJinggo said... [Reply]

Cust ni mmg xpikir..klu sound main sedap mulut jek..they are rite only when they are rite..not always..bukan sume org leh sabar..klu tgk video dan ikut saksi komen, mmg xde org pun backup cina nih...dh krg ajar sgt, mndapat la..hahaha..1malaysia, mcm2 ada..hahaha
Neway, nice sweet...hehe

LuVidA^^ said... [Reply]

uiksss... jinggo sejak bile ko jumpe blog aku ni.. haha blushing**
aku tgk video tu pon, aku rse customer tu yg kuang aja.. xde sape bekap die kan?? hehehe..
nice la sgt.. neway thx coz drop ur komen. :)

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