what a fantastic performances from the top 12
of OIAM...first concert juz now.
for the 1st concert nie, aku rase yg dapat tambat hati aku..
adalah HAN, AWEERA and of coz my TOMOK.
aku rase mcm aku nk minat tomok balik la..
mcm mase skula dulu.
he's soooo sooo cute!
realy i mean it!
tomok nyanyi lagu COBA..mmg la x sebagus itu faizal tahir.
tapi seriously, die mmg labey matang dr tomok
yg aku kenal kire2 6 taun yg lps.
congrats n gud luck indrawan hekhekk :P
cheesss...aku da ciap burn 65sen vote 4 him.
(skali undi cukop la) :D
tapi x puas la...show concert live sejm setgh je.
lagu nyanyi pon pendek je.
(sbnrnye nk ckp x puas tgk tomok..hahahaha)
p/s : esok ade roadshow OIAM kat PAS..
kul 2-4 pm...
nak g..nk g...!!~~
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2 years ago
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