em..jup td..4th concert kot..
ingat cm nk je g tgk kt pas tu..
tp x jadi lak..
so..this week, tomok perform 1st..
sbb last week dapat immunity.
tema mggu ni guys kne nyanyi lagu pmpn..
N pmpn kne nyanyi lagu laki.
tomok..nyanyi lagu gantung..by melly goeslow.
hee...xbes sgt la mggu ni compare ngn last couple of week.
next week..wat best2 tau!
so....immunity goes to ------> ESTER again.
for the 2nd taim..
she deserved it actually.
perform joget2 hehhe...klaka pon ade.
gud bye to anith..
em da expect pon..
neway dgr cte she's got 5a in spm..
k la..nk g mndi...:P~
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2 years ago
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